Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Stop and Chat

As we discussed today in class there different ways you can handle communicating to people that you run into on the street based on how well you know the person.

This is a clip from the show Curb Your Enthusiasm. Watch how Larry David, the main character, handles his meeting with a previous acquaintance on the street.

Stop and Chat Video

So here is my question. What certain connections between two individuals allow for a "stop and chat" situation instead of a quick "hi and goodbye?" Or you can look at it this way. How well do you have to know someone to actually stop and chat with them?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Returning to the healthcare debate...

We spoke in one of my psych classes about how Celebrities have become involved in many recent elections and the way the media portrays it, most hip, young, and relatable stars tend to align with a liberal agenda (think...P. Diddy's efforts to get youth to vote for Kerry and many visible celebrities campaigning for Obama).

Anyways, I was thinking about how these stars vocalizing their support has really changed the tone of elections. Are youth really more inclined to vote one way simply because of the celebrities influence? Are younger generation American's truly more liberal in their attitudes because they are educated or because they like Beyonce, who says she is voting liberal?

I ran across this video which I think in itself is a tool of influence. Comedy is a light hearted way to identify with a younger generation, many of who would recognize these stars. Any thoughts on this idea or the video?


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What is the Culture of Linfield College?

What are the norms, values, and social practices that define Linfield? Is there a special language or vocabulary that members of this community use? Are there special rituals or traditions that unite members of the community? What material artifacts or objects define Linfield as a culture? Are there any particular subcultures or countercultures on campus? See exercise 4.2 in the Korgen and White text and draw from the chapter to inform your response.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bowling For Columbine

So, most of us just watched the movie, now I want to know what people think of it. I know we'll talk about it tomorrow but I thought it would be a good blog topic to inculde anything that may be missed in class.

Friday, September 11, 2009

2008 Poverty Rate Highest in 12 years.


Using your sociological imagination, what is contributing to this increase in the poverty rate? What impacts might this have on individuals and families who are below, near, or at the poverty line? How might this change impact other areas of our society?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama's Speech

Who here watched it Wednesday (Sept 9th)?