Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama's Speech

Who here watched it Wednesday (Sept 9th)?


  1. I heard Rep. Joe Wilson stood up and shouted "You lie" or something like

  2. Thank you for breaking the ice here, Jake! Remember that when making posts, try to link back to the course in concrete ways- one way of approaching this might be to bring up a particular theme that the President mentioned in his speech and pose a question to the rest of the class.

  3. Although I didn’t have the time to watch the speech, I looked up and read through some of it. His speech links back to class on Thursday, when we were talking about healthcare in the functionalism perspective and the conflict perspective. In his speech he listed out some of the things wrong with our current healthcare system. What President Obama listed definitely aimed more towards the conflict perspective. Such as spending so much money on healthcare and having nothing to show for it but uninsured Americans and an unhealthy nation. However, he also listed out ways to solve these issues, which were more aimed towards the functionalism perspective. Such as making the insurance market more competitive to small businesses and individuals, so that they can get the same coverage as those that work for larger companies. This is functionalism because he wants to boost the competiveness of insurance companies, while simultaneously making insurance available to all, which would allow all Americans to have access to medical care and therefore live longer lives.

  4. I have watched some of the speech and I agree with many of the points Obama made. I really think that the medical health care system needs to be revised and changed in the United States. It is a system that, right now, only operates for the rich and it is the poor that get sick more often because of unhealthy living condition. What steps do you think should be taken to make the health care system accessible to everyone?

  5. I agree that the health care system is in definite need of revision and change. It definitely favors the rich over the poor, but then there are also people that take advantage of it. If we could find a way to make health care available to everyone, that would be great, but realistically that won't happen. We need to focus on fixing the system itself first, before we can make it available to everyone.
