Sunday, September 27, 2009

Returning to the healthcare debate...

We spoke in one of my psych classes about how Celebrities have become involved in many recent elections and the way the media portrays it, most hip, young, and relatable stars tend to align with a liberal agenda (think...P. Diddy's efforts to get youth to vote for Kerry and many visible celebrities campaigning for Obama).

Anyways, I was thinking about how these stars vocalizing their support has really changed the tone of elections. Are youth really more inclined to vote one way simply because of the celebrities influence? Are younger generation American's truly more liberal in their attitudes because they are educated or because they like Beyonce, who says she is voting liberal?

I ran across this video which I think in itself is a tool of influence. Comedy is a light hearted way to identify with a younger generation, many of who would recognize these stars. Any thoughts on this idea or the video?


  1. I thought that was a great video to show exactly what is happening to the kids of this generation. Many styles, fashion, attitudes and even political support is being influenced by those stars who have a huge impact on them. Watching that video, I saw many stars from movies and TV shows that I normally watch. And for those who are younger and more easily impacted by their favorite comedian or actress, they are being subconsciously lead to agree with the beliefs of those actors who they believe to be their role models. I think that this way of persuasion is setting a bad example for future generations, as well as setting up future political races with more ethical concerns. Is it right to be able to influence future generations by paying their role models to say what they want them to hear?

  2. This also happened leading upto the Invasion of Afghanistan. Were Republican Celebrities supported the invasion to help lead the sway towards the war.

    As someone entering Health Care, I feel that so much of the 'debate' is skewed, slandered, and even lies to the public.

  3. I thought that this video was really interesting. Using celebrities to influence our opinion is incorporated so much through advertising, in magazines, and on television that it doesn't surprise me that they would make a video taking a stand on issues like healthcare.

    This video and its concepts reminded me a lot of the "Don't Vote" Video that came out prior to the election. The link for that video is if anyone wants to watch it that hasn't. I think this first video is less one sided, because it is all about registering to vote, rather than voting one way or another.

    In the Healthcare video they are clearly taking a stand for Universal Healthcare. I thought it was really telling how both videos use sarcasm in telling us not to do something, when the message is really that we should do something. They really take a stab at insurance ceo's and make the viewer believer that all ceo's are out for the good of their own wallet and no one elses. I think this is ironic that the celebrities talk about how much money ceo's make, yet many of these celebrites probably make just as much as these ceo's they're speaking of if not more!

    I agree that this video definitely doesn't portray all the facts, and is clearly slanted one way. I also believe that many celebrities sway people to think a certain way not based on the issue at hand, but rather if the person likes the celebrity or not. However, rather famous or not, all people are entitle to their opinion and freedom of speech. It is up to the viewers to be informed and make their own analysis of the information. I haven't decided if I think my overall opinion of this video is positive or negative. I think it can be misleading, but I also think its entertaining and eyeopening.

  4. Celebrities are definitely used to sway political thinking. It seems that being a democrat or being liberally minded is ‘cool’ in today’s world because of all the celebrities that are endorsing it. Youth are very impressionable and so yes, I think celebrities have a huge impact on what they would vote for politically. What is interesting though it that you don’t seem many of these videos backed by celebrities towards the republican way of thinking, nor was there many around during the presidential election. These political celebrity videos seem to always be liberally slanted.

  5. I agree with you ellyn,
    Sometimes I feel the republican agenda is more favorable to wealthy Americans, many celebrities falling in that category. So it surprises me that the liberal party seems to have a much stronger celebrity support system. I would argue that so much of global politics is image and currently it is more "hip" to side with liberals...who coincidentally seem to support the Green initiative, another issue many celebrities lend their support.
