Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Facebook, MySpace Divide Along Social Lines

Why do you think different social groups tend to use different social networking sites? What does this tell us about our society "off line"? In what ways does it reinforce intragroup solidarity and perhaps prevent intergroup interaction? Is this a a troubling trend or simply a reflection of a class and racially segregated society?


  1. I believe that different social groups tend to use different social networking sites because they are more easily able to connect with other people who share the same values, interests, beliefs, ect. For example, there is a social networking site similiar to MySpace called Asian Avenue, but is more drawn towards individuals of an asian ethinicity. This just shows that our society still has their distinctions among different races and classes. However these distinctions or segregations among difference races and classes are not for negative purposes as they were before the civil rights movements that granted equality among all races, but more positive purposes that allow individuals to reconnect with individuals like themselves and express diversity instead of ignoring it.

  2. I think that Amy has a good point that different social groups use certain social networking sites because they're able to connect more easily with the other people on these sites. People find it easier to meet new people when they have something in common with these people. In this way people are drawn to different social networks depending on their cultures, beliefs, and interests. Having something in common with the people of your network makes you feel more at home and makes the setting less formal. People may also use these different networks to reconnect with their past cultures and values. People may say that these networks are segregated and have a negative impact on society, but I think that they allow people to connect with others that share the same interests, beliefs, and cultures that they do.

  3. I agree to what Jared and Amy are saying; however, I feel that social networking sites to create a form of segregation. They are all good sites to kind of stay in touch with people that you may normally not be able to see, but there is some different kinds of segregation apparent. For example, the different "networks" you can join on facebook are for people actually from that network and others are not able to come in. Little things like this cause the segregation to occur on these types of sites. I am just pointing out that there is segregation, but I also agree with Jared and Amy in that they are good social networking sites.

  4. I agree with these three people abot facebook and myspace being a great networking site. I think that there is a distinct difference though towardsthe social class a person's family is in and whether they use myspace or faceook. I feel that myspace is more geared toward middle to lower class. When looking at the pople that often use myspace they are public school kids and then the adults with jobs not careers. This can also be seen through how a radio station is marketing towards. With public radio, the dj will make refrence to going to his myspace site to look at his page. I have compared some of my friends and the ones that went to public school are the ones that had or have myspace

  5. Im convinced that different social groups tend to use different social networking sites because, like Jared explains, “people find it easier to meet new people when they have something in common.” Therefore, people are drawn to these social networking whether its by their:culture, race, and/or interest. Also, as I was reading through the article above I noticed that most of what the children were saying were true! “Myspace,” tends to be for the “lower class,” and I strongly agree. Whenever I get the chance to log onto “Myspace,” I notice that most of my friends on their are either:high school drop outs, jobless, or doesn’t attend college. As for facebook, most of my friends are all in college. However, often times I do enjoy going on “Myspace,” to reconnect with some of my old friends from high school; and although some people may believe that these networks have a negative impact on society, I believe that it allows people to connect with eachother where they can share the same interests.

  6. I feel like Myspace and Facebook are separated by social groups. I feel like Facebook is more "proper" because the friends I have on their are more of my college friends. On the other hand, Myspace is more "laid back" there are people from everywhere using Myspace, but because of the network thing on Facebook you don't really have the ability to be friends with people from all over. I know that even my sister and cousins see a difference. They always tell me that they feel that Facebook is just for college people. I try to tell them that that isn't the case, but it is kind of hard when I only have people from college on there. I guess you could say that Myspace is more of a "lower class" social network site, whereas Facebook seems more "upscale" (I guess you could say).

  7. I am a little bit older then most of the students in this class and almost all of my friends are mothers like myself.They almost all have a myspace and some of them have never heard of facebook. I recently joined facebook and since none of my friends are in school most of the friends on my facebook are from Linfield or old friends from high school. There is something about myspace that is appealing to everybody and I cant say the same about facebook.
    I personally would have been happy if these social networking sties never exsisted. I feel like they seperate social groups even more than they already are. I agree with everyone above that feels like these social networking sites help you connect with old friends and keep in touch i just think that there is another way that these sites could be a little more welcoming to everyone.

  8. Different social groups tend to use different social networking sites because even on the web we have to separate our different social statuses. I feel like Myspace is used my "lower" class people and facebook is used by more college students. There are social classes in everything. Now there are sites like twitter that is used by the "famous" people. Having these different social networks gives us more power among society. These dividing lines are what differentiate us from one another and are what emphasize our different social statuses and our differences.

  9. I have to agree with Paty. It's funny but even on the web we tend to separate our selves. we are the creates of borders among social networking sites. I call my first day moving into my dorm with my two roommate and how they told that they had been treating to communicate with me over the summer on myspace and facebook. both of them told be that they thought I was going to be some weirdo because they believe that I didn't have a facebook or myspace. That reality was that I did have a accounts however they weren't able to find me. One of been even say they thought I was going to be some weird "Mexican" just because she thought I didn't have an account. Is it really that important to have a facebook or myspace? Apparently in our age group if you want to be a part of the "crowd" having a facebook is a must. Now, myspace not so much because apparently its only for immature high schools? It wasn't too long ago that we were once there. All I say whether you're a facebooker or myspacer just keep it clean and classy :)!!
