Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This is awesome.

This video isn't really related to what we've been talking about in class, except I guess it brings up issues of class, but it is amazing and I am interested in what you all think.


  1. I was hoping it would post on the page, but I guess just copy and paste it.

  2. I liked the girls point about how in kindergarten we are taught to be a certain way and to treat others with a certain respect, and yet when people are grown up they seemed to do the complete opposite thing. I think a lot can be learned from this girl. If a 12 or 13 year old can see what it is the world needs in order to better itself, then why can't our leaders?
    This does have to do with class as well. Like we have gone over in class and in the texts, there is an upper percentile of people that have almost all of the money in the world. This leaves most of the other people poor and much worse off than those select few. If only there was a way in which the wealth could be more evenly distributed since the wealthy of the world will never be able to use the vast amounts of wealth they have.
    When I see this video I see the many ways in which we as a worldwide society can increase the quality of lives.

  3. One way of fixing the income disparity would be to cap the amount of money a person can make.. A maximum wage as well as a minimum wage. But that will never happen in a society like ours, because socialism is evil. :)

  4. This is inspirational in that it forces a person towant to make a difference in what is happening all around us today.
    I think that capping th income would be a smart ideal but at the same time would people work as hard knowing that once they reach a certain limit this is the best that they are going to get. Wouldn't people sop caring about trying to be the next big singer or movie star. I know that thoes people with the all the money is wrong but I feel that it n a werid way motivates people to strive harder to try and become part of that social group.
    I appreciated that this girl was talking to people of the oder generation becase more often they are the one whom are set on their way on how to live their life. I feel that teenagers nowadays are seeing that hange needs to happen but don't know the best wys to go about it. without seeing the adults trying to make a change future generations may follow only to try and change when its too late to stop and fix.

  5. The first time I watched this video, I had to watch it multiple times to even catch what she was saying. She gives SO much to think about. It still gives me goosebumps every time I watch it.

    My thought is that not only may this help the environment, but it may even give others the courage to have their voice heard. There are so many powerful ideas among our society, and if everyone could "Silence the World for Five Minutes", I bet there would be a significant amount of change. Sometimes it seems that adults listen to children and young adults much better than other adults.

    If societal issues could be addressed in this manor, I can only imagine the affect. For instance, if a seminar were to be held on gun violence, and the entire country or even the world were able to hear a powerful message much like this one, things would be bound to change.

  6. Wow. Really? She's only 13? Her speech was so amazing!There's so much to say about this video. She brings up so many great points and elicits so many emotions! It's amazing that she shows how important this is to her and the others by telling them how far they traveled just to attend the conference!Then she goes on to talk about enviromental problems. She's makes so many good points! When you listen to her, she's practically lecturing the "adults" about what they've been doing wrong and about things they could be doing.
    Also, with all politics aside she brings this speech to a more personal leve. She reminds the listeners that although they are all leaders they are all still parents and need to help bring our earth back a sustainable level.
    Listening to her you know that she is confident in what she is saying becuase she rarely, if ever, says "umm." Watching this video is a big reminder that our world is important and that we should keep our children's generation in mind with what actions we decide to take.

  7. I thought this video was crazy that a 12 year old knew so much and was so passionate about something. It is an unfortunate topic however. Like Krystal said, it is very inspiring and makes you really think about things.
    From what Sarah said about maximum wage, I think it is a good idea, but its all relative, becuase what if that wage is not enough for a single parent when without the cap it would have been.

  8. Wow. This girl made me take a moment and think about the topics that she had brought up . . . and I found myself agreeing with her. I don't know if anyone has ever watched MadTV and the skits with Stuart Larkin, but in one of them, his lines end with, ". . . and the truth is usually devastating." I feel that that statement totally applies here. In the beginning of her speech, she was saying that she was afraid to go outside because of the hole in the ozone and breathe because of the harmful chemicals. As sad as that is, I know that it's true. I also agree with Ms. Benally. This girl is so confident and her voice and message are very powerful. She does not like how the world is and does not want future generations to be living in it. I am sure that many of us feel this way too so it is important that we take into consideration the future generations.

  9. This is a pretty crazy video. She has thought about these kind of issues for a long time. I have only started to think about these kind of issues right now in taking this class. Also, she shows so much courage in actually making a speech about it. I bet there is a lot of people in the world who think of stuff like this, but never act on it because they are too scared to speak about it to society.

  10. This young girl is a very powerful speaker. Most people think that children are powerless, but they are the one that seem to think the clearest and have the power to show adults the errors in their ways. Being able to confront all of those people in power most have taken a lot of confidence.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. wow... I kind of got teary listening to this young lady. I cannot agree anymore with with her and what she said, it absolutely all true, however what's mind blowing to me is the fact that she is only a 13th year old girl! that's amazing how much confident and passion she has about the issues that are affecting every society on this earth. With small steps like these I am confidence that she will do great things. I how that this video has inspire me to really look at my actions because they really do speck loud than words. I really like the quote she said towards the end, "You are what you do, not what you say!" This something I want to keep in mind from now on! This reminded me of a saying in my says in Spanish "El que no habla Dios no lo escucha" Which roughly means "The one who doesn't speak up God does not hear" If you are passion about something you will can do so much just like the girl! I love this video the young lady really gave everyone a piece of her mind and I really hope were all listening.
